Thursday, 2 May 2013


While working as a mortgage adviser at some bank, I had so many clients getting in touch to alert us to their marital splits and trying to find out how they would go on about  “removing him/her from the mortgage”.
Luckily for my husband and in the spirit of being young and smitten (I blame the Love-Bug), I happily suggested a prenuptial agreement before we got married as I wanted him to feel more secure with the assets he had acquired before the marriage and didn't want him to live in the fear that the girl from far-far-far away land might turn everything he had worked so hard for upside down.
(If I was to do it again, I would make sure I lay down some ultimatums before signing the dotted line. But that is a story for another day; so for now I will settle for splitting what we acquired TOGETHER. Oh how I would love to solely own the 48" Toshiba 3D Telly, Kenwood food processor and the PS3! -among other goodies.

Divorce is always a bitter pill to swallow, and it does creep in when people least expect it. But there are those people who think that they would have a better chance of sanity if they just held on and pretended not to notice the obvious impurities in their marriage. I am aware of the fact that relationships inevitably change over time, but I don’t know how I would deal with a situation where I wanted to walk away and be by myself..... I just wouldn't know how to cope with being 100% Single. (I'd be forced to hire myself a "mate") lol.

In a study of married men and women, the majority of wives (59%) said they would divorce immediately if their future economic security was assured.
In-fact, most people admit that they can’t leave their miserable marriages because they fear financial and emotional hardship and would rather stay in an unhappy relationship just for an easy life, for the sake of the children or to save themselves going through a massive upheaval.  Some people are more worried about what they would lose if they left their partner and they fear that they would have to give up their home if they split.

Being a very strong advocate for “walking away”, I am utterly scared of being single..... Not because I am worried about financial instability, but because I have never been single. They have a name for that kind of fear, Anuptaphobia.  
I suspect myself to be emotionally unstable and can’t fathom how hard it must be not to have someone to comfort and shelter you from the storm or lay out in the sun with you when things get upsy. 
Lets say that I've been fortunate to have always had someone in my life; be it a boyfriend, a ‘companion’ or a husband.

And that is where my ‘Monkey’ concept comes in.....Shallow as it may seem, I am like a monkey; I wouldn't let go of a branch unless I had my hand on another.

01st March 2017. Ive been gone for over three years and I can't believe how much growing I've done. I didn't want anything when I walked away, not even the goodies I listed above.

Leave..... and let live.

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